Positive change in
our community starts
with uplifting the people
in our community.

Realizing your dream is the first step to achieving your dream.

The health of our residents is integral to the strength of our community. The conversations about nutrition and mental health are crucial to achieving our dreams.

The most valuable asset in our community is the people.

Lifting each other up is the Brooklyn Way. Spread Love.

Closing the socioeconomic gap for the residents in the community takes a village.

Join our village to help bring positive change to our neighborhood.

Mission & Values

Working with a purpose.
Address racial inequality
in East New York by closing
the socioeconomic gap for
the residents, uplifting
the community.

Longstanding and rising income inequality, combined with a history of racial residential segregation, has led to startling health inequities, quality education access, and lack of employment attainment between neighborhoods. Such negative circumstances tend to cluster in places that people of color call home and where many residents live in poverty,

diverting what could be a dream realized and achieved. This is the case in Brooklyn, East New York. Policies and practices based on a history of racism and discrimination (often referred to as institutional racism) have created neighborhoods with high rates of poverty

our Values

Transparency Inclusiveness Morality Dedication

East New York

By the 1930s, East New York was widely regarded as a stable, working class community, boasting of great housing stock, schools and low crime. After World War II, however, the neighborhood unfortunately experienced a slow decline that it is still recovering from today. After the war, the city lost a great number of manufacturing jobs at the same time as large numbers of Puerto Ricans and African Americans were arriving in the city seeking employment. East New York was hit particularly hard in the 1970s by the FHA Mortgage Scandal and the unscrupulous … …racially-charged real estate practice of “blockbusting,” which resulted in home foreclosure and abandonment. Unemployment, drug abuse and crime became commonplace in East New York, and its notorious reputation unfortunately lingers today.

In recent years, East New York has begun to experience a rebirth. Vacant lots have been transformed into community gardens; well-maintained homes have helped to revitalize blocks; desolate sections under the elevated train tracks now exhibit vibrant murals; and diverse groups are working to enhance the neighborhood.


The work DA seeks to provide comes from a place of love, and a passion to help those who need help most. The individuals associated with DA and who help shape the organization internally share that common thread. The values of DA coincide with the mission and will always represent transparency, inclusivity, morality in all we do, and dedication.

We believe an organization of shared ideas and experiences fosters an atmosphere of progressive collaboration enabling DA to succeed in its mission.

What Our Partners &
Residents Are Saying About
Dreams Achieved

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About Performance

The Journey Starts Here

Welcome to Dreams Achieved
where we unequivocally believe

Your life matters. Your experiences matter. Your health matters.
Your well-being matters. Together, we can achieve our dreams.

